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Quality & Safety Commitment

Corporate Social Responsability

who we are?

Founded in 2008, Cetelnet is a privately held company, with current offices in:

Port Moresby & Lae, Papua Nueva Guinea

Port Vila, Vanuatu

Mexico DF, Mexico

Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala

Madrid, España

Our strategy is to be committed to our clients in providing them the highest quality and value-added services enabling us to be their partner of choice.

We have developed different projects in more than 20 countries, , such as Fiji, Australia, Timor Leste, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamica, Suriname, Guyana, Gabon, Ghana & Tanzania among others, showing our capacity and flexibility to mobilize and successfully deployed projects wherever is required.


Our vision is to be a leading engineering services provider, especially in emerging markets


Our strategy is to be committed to our clients in providing them the highest quality and value-added services enabling us to be their partner of choice.


We offer our clients a world-class team whose experience in challenging environments, dependability and flexibility match the needs of our customers, so we claim to be an indispensable source of their competitive advantage.

Quality & Safety Commitment

Our goal is to answer to our client’s needs and satisfaction while helping them succeed and reach their goals. We achieve this through our values, respect, integrity and reliability.

The practical experience of our staff shows the understanding of standards and specifications required for telecommunications equipment and systems to enter service. Our staff ensures that correct installation, testing, commissioning processes have been adhered to and the physical and functional standards and specifications are met.

These are always amended to address the specific requirements of the equipment provider defined processes in conjunction with the customer quality assurance and sign-off procedures.

We work in one of the most potentially hazardous of industries. At times physically and psychologically demanding, often mixing electricity with the elements at all hours of the day and night, it requires that we take more care than most on issues of safety.

We look on occupational health and safety as more than a moral and legal responsibility. The way to keep good people is to provide them with a working environment as reliably safe as it is stimulating for personal growth.

It is more, too, than just keeping our employees safe. We are also obliged to do whatever it takes to keep the wider communities in which we work safe from injury, illness and property damage.

Corporate Social Responsability

Cetelnet and its subsidiaries have a Code of Ethics and Social Responsibility that guides their activities and behavior both inside and outside the organization, whatever the geographical area or place where said activities are developed.

Cetelnet not only requires its professionals to abide by this Code at all times but will avoid establishing relations with any entity that is known to have incurred in a violation of the fundamental principles on which the Code is based and that govern ethical and socially responsible behavior

Cetelnet provides all its stakeholders with an Ethical Mailbox (contact@cetelnet.com) as a communication channel through which they can send questions and doubts about our Code of Ethics, and directly report any alleged breach of the principles that define it. The confidentiality and ethical treatment of the information received is guaranteed and will be analyzed by the Cetelnet Social Responsibility Committee, which will evaluate and decide on the appropriate treatment according to the nature of the events reported. A responsible use of the Mailbox and the provision of sufficient and truthful indications and evidence if reporting alleged breaches is recommended.

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